Thursday 12 January 2012

Starting up my Ruby on Rails Development Environment

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to project directory.
  2. Start Spork server:
    • bundle exec spork rspec
  3. Open a second command prompt and navigate to project directory.
  4. Start Autotest:
    • bundle exec autotest
  5. Open a third command prompt and navigate to project directory.
  6. Start development server:
    • rails server
  7. Open a fourth command prompt and navigate to project directory, use this for Git operations while working.
  8. Open code IDE/text editor of choice (mine's currently Komodo Edit 6.1)
  9. Start working on RoR application!
I'm currently looking at ways to automate this startup procedure, possibly using a batch file or similar - any suggestions? Update: Post detailing startup using Windows batch scripts here

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